Friday, 29 April 2011

He leads me beside still waters

He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23

We were out wandering in the Nottinghamshire countryside 
and came across this lovely spot which made me think of Psalm 23.

'The Lord leads us', the Psalmist says, but are we following?

  One way to check is to see whether we are at peace of not.  When we feel ourselves becoming stressed, worried or fretful then we know we are maybe not following as close to the Lord as we could be.

You notice when you walk beside a stream or river like this one that they help you to relax if you stop and take the time to listen to the water flowing, to watch the rippling of the surface, the dragonflies swooping in from time to time or just listen to the insects and the birds twittering away in the background.  In other words, you take time out of your busy schedule to be still. 

Psalm 46 says 'Be still and know I am God.'  

Can I encourage whoever reads this to just be still for a minute or two and even if you don't have access to a lovely stream or river, close your eyes and imagine walking alongside this stream, hand in hand with the Lord.  Listen to Him as He whispers to your heart and let His peace flow over you and in you.  Let Him 'lead you' in your thoughts, hear Him tell you how much He loves you, and how everything is going to be all right if you'll just trust Him with your cares and concerns. 
He is your loving Shepherd who gave His life for you, He kept nothing back and He is still the same today.  His mercy is forever, and His grace covers everything known to man so why not turn aside with Him for a while and enjoy His company.
Enjoy your walk.....     :)

Monday, 25 April 2011

Little hens

I have been a busy bee making lots of little hens to give to family and friends for a bit of fun
and here are just a few for all to see.
I hope they are happy in their new homes!

Little Hens

I started with the cream one as a prototype but decided the wings and feet weren't necessary.  They are fun to make and you can use almost any fabric you have spare. The baby ones are so cute so watch out they can become quite addictive to make once you start.
I was trying to find a pattern for a doorstop when I came across the idea for a large hen 
and decided to experiment with a  little one first to see if I liked it. 
As a result I have never reached the doorstop stage!
( watch this space it may follow in due course ) 

Any fabric will do that wont fray

My doors are still bereft of stops!

If you would like to see how to make them go to and type in chicken doorstop in their search.  I adapted mine but you can copy them exactly if you like.  Hope you enjoy making them as much as I did. 

Here's a new frilly,  lacey one for a change!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Spring has definitely sprung and as the creative urge has also come upon me I decided to have a go at a Spring Daisy Wreath for the front door.  

I just felt they were quite different to any I had seen so was rather pleased with my first effort.

The postman doesn't seem too enamoured as he struggles to get the envelopes past the bow, buy hey, life is full of little challenges!