Saturday, 7 May 2011


 I thought I would do a post of one of the poems I
send out with my Teddy Bears.
The following poem is to send to someone as a
Get Well Bear.


My name is unknown
But that doesn’t matter.
Fuzzy Bear in Box
with Poem in Scroll £17.99
including postage

Cause I hope I can stay
And perhaps have a natter.

And when you feel bored
And can’t think what to do.

(More lines and verses follow  upon request)
  © J. Berry.

All my poems are copyright so please don't copy in any way :)

There are dozens of other poems to choose from
eg. Birthday Bear, Friendship Bear,
Chocolate Bear, Wedding Bear etc. etc. 
There are too many to list here.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Blue heart wreath

Here is my latest creation for the front door.
This pretty heart shape wreath can be customised to any colour depending on what cloth you have available.  This one is predominantly blue gingham, lace and denim which matches my blue carpet when the door is open.  (I didn't realise that when I made it!)

The postman is happier as he can now get the letters through the letter box without a fight!

Welcome Heart Wreath

Here it is again with a Welcome sign added which is a friendly touch. 
I also added some leaves but have since removed them.

If anyone would like to buy one just let me know.